Dentist in Yuba City, CA area uses Arestin for treating periodontal disease


At Nolan Dental, patients can seek the assistance of a quality dentist for a wide variety of dental issues. When concerns such as periodontal disease arise, it is important to work with a professional who has experience in treating this condition. Periodontal disease is an infection of the gum tissue, but it can spread and become a serious issue for the entire mouth. It can result in the loss of soft tissues, bone, and even teeth. Due to its fast progression, early diagnosis and treatment are encouraged.


Dr. Daniel G. Nolan starts the process for Yuba City, CA area patients with a thorough evaluation. He may take x-rays to see if there are other problems such as cavities which may also be affecting the smile. A diagnosis of periodontal disease is done at this time once the dentist has determined the stage at which it has progressed. The earlier stages are easier to reverse than the later stages.


Periodontal disease that has developed into periodontitis is a concern when it comes to the amount of bacteria present in the smile. To address bacteria, the Nolan Dental team may apply Arestin. Arestin is a special antibiotic made of minocycline hydrochloride that is placed right on the area of infection after scaling and root planing to target the bacteria and fight the infection for up to 90 days. Arestin is a wonderful tool for bringing the smile back to health as soon as possible following diagnosis.


Dr. Daniel G. Nolan is the professional available at Nolan Dental who can provide Lincoln and Yuba City, California area patients with solutions for their smile’s health and wellness. If you believe periodontal disease has developed in your smile and are seeking diagnosis and treatment, now is the best time to work with a dental professional and discuss the possibility of using Arestin services. Contact the facility at (916) 645-1138 or visit personally at 1530 3rd Street, Suite #201. Our practice is equipped with the latest technologies to ensure patients have access to the services they require for a more beautiful, healthy smile!

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