Dentist in Yuba City area offers CEREC technology for same day restorations

Patients who want to avoid the long wait for traditional restorations are encouraged to work with a dental team that uses CEREC technology. Our Yuba City area dentist, Dr. Daniel G. Nolan of Nolan Dental, encourages patients to learn more about how same-day restorations can be made using CAD/CAM technology.
CEREC technology is best described as a device that can mill out restorations from a block of porcelain right in our practice. Most patients wait 15-20 minutes while their crown, bridge, or veneer is made in the room next to them. Dr. Daniel G. Nolan has the experience to provide beautiful, strong restorations that are no different than those created in other dental laboratories.
CEREC allows patients to avoid the traditional method of receiving restorations such as dental crowns. A conventional dental office would require a patient to have their teeth prepared on a different day than their crown was placed. They would undergo the removal of a thin portion of enamel all the way around the tooth before having impressions made. The molds are sent out to a laboratory which could be states away. In the meantime, the dentist places a temporary crown over the tooth and patients schedule an appointment for a week or two later. They arrive, have their temporary removed, and then have their new restoration bonded in place.
CEREC eliminates the middle man and a lot of wasted time! Instead of the above process, patients have their teeth prepared, scanned, and their new restoration bonded in place all within the same appointment. This is an incredible time saver and eliminates the need for temporaries and further visits to the dentist. CEREC technology has completely revolutionized the way restorations are made and placed.
If you live in the area of Lincoln, California or surrounding communities such as Yuba City, now is a great time to speak with the team of Nolan Dental about obtaining same-day restorations with CEREC technology. Contact our practice today by calling (916) 645-1138 or visiting us personally at our practice located at 1530 3rd Street, #201. We accept patients ready for a faster, more convenient dental work!
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