Dentist near Placerville proudly offers same-day restorations with CEREC technology


Restoring the smile with traditional restorations takes time. Many restorations, such as porcelain veneers and crowns, require patients to wait several weeks as they are fabricated at dental laboratories sometimes states away. The entire process can be time-consuming, and patients need to schedule more than one visit to complete it. Thanks to the investment of today’s leading technology, one dentist near the Placerville community offers same-day repairs using CEREC technology.


CEREC is a device that utilizes CAD/CAM software to digitize impressions of the smile and create restorations right in the dental office while patients wait. These same-day restorations are just as beautiful and strong as those created in outside dental laboratories. The entire process occurs quickly and easily, allowing patients to have either restoration placed the same day their smile is prepared.


The entire process starts with a consultation appointment. Patients must determine if they are appropriate candidates for restorations such as crowns, bridges, or veneers. This is done during the initial examination when patients first visit Dr. Daniel G. Nolan. Once patients have made the decision to move forward with restorations, the dentist prepares the teeth. For most situations, there is a removal of the natural tooth enamel that has to occur before impressions are made. The impressions are done right through the computer into digital molds which the software uses to mill the restoration out of a block of porcelain right in the office. The milling process takes less than 20 minutes while patients rest easy in the treatment chair awaiting their new repair! The restoration is bonded in place immediately after fabrication, and patients can leave the office with a brand new look! Instead of waiting weeks, patients can have the entire process done in just one day!


Dr. Daniel G. Nolan and the team at Nolan Dental near Placerville, California welcome new and existing patients to their practice conveniently located in Lincoln, California at 1530 3rd Street #201. Contact him today by calling (916) 965-1138 to schedule a consultation appointment and find out what sets his practice apart from the rest!     

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