Dentist in Yuba City explains types of Veneers


Veneers are useful and effective in fixing teeth. If you are conscious about your teeth being misaligned or crooked, then veneers are good to have around. One of the things to know about veneers is that there are many types to choose from. Here are a few on the list:





The cheapest of the three types of veneers is the composite veneer. It can align crooked teeth as well as force the teeth to close the gaps in between. Although the composite veneer isn’t as good as the porcelain veneer, it is still a good option for those who are low on budget.





For high-quality veneers, the porcelain veneer is the best bet out of the three. It is the most expensive but with good reason. It is the efficient in fixing teeth and will make you have an almost perfect smile. The thing about porcelain veneers is that you will need to go back quite a number of times when you install these in your teeth, hence, the hefty cost. However, the final result will definitely be worth the investment. Most veneers do not perfectly blend in with your teeth; the porcelain type, however, blends in with the color of your teeth that they almost look the same. They are also very durable and do not stain.





Lastly, the removable veneer which is the type of teeth veneers that is not embedded into the teeth. Removable veneers are ideal for those who are not comfortable having foreign objects inside their mouth when they sleep. These veneers are made from resin and can align your teeth when used properly.



Teeth veneers have been one of the dental services that most people prefer because of its durability and natural resemblance to real teeth. However, knowing what type of veneers suits best to your dental status will help you achieve the optimum result.


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