What is Hypersensitivity?

Way back when, dentists were in their earlier stages of knowledge, and when a patient would complain of pain during a cleaning, they were thought to be hypochondriac, or overly dramatic. However, there has been several scientific clinical studies that indicate that oral sensitivity is a very real thing. Not only that, there are many people who actually experience something worse, and that is hypersensitivity. 
How Do I Know If I Have Hypersensitivity?
It will not be hard to miss to be honest. You will experience sensitivity from any sort of stimuli in your mouth. This includes breathing, especially cold air, drinking any fluids other than room temperature water, and eating or drinking anything acidic. The acid from the foods and drinks you consume will play a big role in tooth sensitivity. If you consume something with a pH of 6.5 or lower, and you feel a good amount of pain, then you may have over sensitive teeth. With acidity and temperature fluctuations, you may experience pain during really anything. Having constant pain is a hard road to travel through life. Your dentist should be aware of the sensitivity in your mouth, so they can work with you on a solution. 
What Do We Know About Hypersensitivity?
Dentists know so much more than they did just a decade ago. Through research, technology, and experience, dentists have found that two conditions must exist in order for hypersensitivity to exist. The first is that the dentin in a tooth must be unprotected, or showing. The second, is that the dentinal tubules must be open. When the tubules are open, the nerves react to outside stimuli in the teeth. Exposed dentin cannot always be found with the naked eye. Even just a microscopic amount can cause over sensitivity. Exposed dentin also increases the risk of demineralization. Which is what the tooth needs to stay alive and healthy. 
The point is, if you have sensitive teeth, you are not alone. You may have a problem causing the issue, which your dentist can fix. But, you may just have teeth that are prone to hypersensitivity because of how they exist in your mouth. There are treatments that exist now for people so that they can experience some comfort. Have an open dialogue with your dentist. They will take you very seriously, especially if you admit to having the latest knowledge of hypersensitivity, and how it affects the tooth. 
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